How to Stop Being Parents Who Feed Emotions

How to Stop Being Parents Who Feed Emotions

The task of parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging there is. Among the many challenges, learning to differentiate between physical and emotional hunger in our children is crucial. This not only helps them maintain a healthy diet but also teaches them to manage their emotions effectively. Here are some practical tips to achieve this.

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Healthy Eating Guidelines

Maintaining a regular meal schedule and avoiding skipping meals is essential. Establishing regular meal times helps children understand the importance of balanced nutrition. Additionally, by avoiding snacks outside of meal times, the likelihood of using food as an emotional response is reduced.

Identifying Physical and Emotional Hunger

It is fundamental to teach our children to recognize when they are truly hungry and when they are eating out of boredom or stress. A child psychologist can assist in this process, providing strategies and tools for children to understand their emotions. Explaining with clear, everyday examples can be very effective.

Creative Play Space

Offering a play space that involves artistic activities such as drawing, painting, or music can be an excellent way for children to channel their emotions. These activities are not only fun but also therapeutic and can be a great alternative to eating out of boredom.

Holding Firm on «No»

Saying «no» to food outside of meal times is an important lesson. By doing so, we are teaching our children to handle frustration and not use food as a way to anesthetize their emotions. This is a crucial step in preventing addictive behaviors in the future.

Healthy Snacks Between Meals

Incorporating healthy snacks such as fruits or cereals between meals can be a positive alternative. This not only satisfies their hunger but also provides the necessary nutrients for their growth and development.

The message we want to convey is that emotions, desires, or love are not substituted with food. By teaching them this, we are laying the foundations for a healthy relationship with food and preventing potential addictions.

By implementing these strategies, we not only help our children develop healthy eating habits but also provide them with the necessary tools to manage their emotions effectively.

A child psychologist in Miami can be a great ally in this process, offering guidance and support to both parents and children. Remember, the goal is to raise emotionally strong and healthy children.

Learn to differentiate physical from emotional hunger in your children with these tips from a child psychologist in Miami. Foster healthy habits and effective emotional management.


Teaching children to differentiate between physical and emotional hunger is crucial for their development. Discover how to achieve this with these practical and empathetic tips.



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Me entusiasma compartir contigo información que he recabado en mi trayectoria como terapeuta infantil y mamá. En este espacio encontrarás temas relacionados con el desarrollo socio emocional de tus peques, juegos, cuentos infantiles, estrategias y técnicas para hacer más fáciles los días difíciles.